PYC Training Session Request FormName of School / Organization / Agency*0Your Contact Information1First Name*2Last Name*3Position in School / Organization / Agency*4Email Address*5Phone Number*6Presentation Information7Session Selection*Trans Youth Policy Briefing and Advocacy TrainingLet’s Make Our School Affirming for LGBTQ StudentsSupporting Safer Schools: Reducing Bullying, Intimidation, and HarassmentSafe Schools Advocacy WorkshopWe Are Powerful: Igniting Youth-led ActivismYouth Are Powerful: Establishing a Youth-led, Adult-supported LGBTQ CommunityLGBTQ Safe Zone TrainingSupporting Transgender Students in Pennsylvania SchoolsOther8Who is the intended audience?*9How many expected participants?*10Date and Location11Date Selection*First Preference12*Second Preference13*Third Preference14Location*15Special Requests*16Submit17 Share this:TweetPrint