About PYC Advocates
The leadership corps of the Pennsylvania Youth Congress is PYC Advocates.
PYC Advocates is our network of key young LGBTQ leaders across the commonwealth who are established and emerging leaders. PYC Advocates receive powerful tools from PYC and expert trainings to enhance their work at the local, regional, and statewide levels.
Applications for 2022 will open on this webpage on January 3, 2022!
The Pennsylvania Youth Congress is currently accepting applications to become a PYC Advocate!
As a PYC Advocate you will:
-Have valuable leadership opportunities supporting on-the-ground LGBTQ advocacy efforts in Pennsylvania
-Network with other young leaders from across the state at PYC connection points
-Design your own advocacy projects with PYC or take on leadership with an existing advocacy effort
-Engage in mentorship opportunities in your region
-Represent PYC and be a positive force in your community
-Receive regular updates of organizational activities
-Receive special invitations to events as a representative of PYC, including pride festival events, galas, concerts, social functions, fundraisers, and regional summits
-Waived registration fees for the Pennsylvania Youth Action Conference
How to Apply
PYC Advocates participate in four connection points each year for community building, advocacy education, and leadership training. Attendance is required for each of these connection points and the YAC (TBD in 2021), save for approved extenuating circumstances. Should any of the connection points be able to be held in-person, travel logistics and overnight accommodations will be provided to PYC Advocates to attend, and need-based to attend the YAC (if no sponsoring school or organization is available to assist).
The dates for the 2022 PYC Advocate connection points will be posted below. The connection points will be held online rather than in-person retreats until it is safe to do so again in person. By completing the application below, you are committing to having the following dates fully available to attend these retreats (Friday evening through Sunday evening).
PYC Advocates are expected to attend the monthly All-Organization Meeting which takes place on the first Sunday evening of each month at 8pm via Zoom. A drop-in PYC Family space is held each week as well, which PYC Advocates are invited to attend socially.
PYC Advocates serve one year terms, which may be renewed by application. Individuals will be selected to represent each of PYC's nine regions. To be eligible to serve as a PYC Advocate, applicants must reside in Pennsylvania (or if temporarily living outside of the commonwealth, such as in going to school in Washington, DC, have roots in Pennsylvania) and identify as young advocates (generally older teens and twentysomethings).
If you would like more information about PYC Advocates, please email PYC Advocate Coordinator Angie Poole at
You may apply become an PYC Advocate by completing the form that will appear below. A PYC leader will be in touch with you following your submission. PYC Advocates initially formed in 2019 as PYC Ambassadors.
The PYC Assembly Charter which includes the framework and operations for PYC Advocates is here.
The regular application period for the 2022 term of PYC Advocates will open on January 3, 2022 and remain open through January 28, 2022. We will keep any applications filed after the deadline on file and be in touch as any vacancies may arise. Thank you.
Current and Former PYC Advocates
Juniata College '20
Hometown: Altoona, PA
Penn State University Altoona '20
Hometown: Upper Darby, PA
Blairsville High School '20
Harrisburg Area Community College - York '22
Chatham University '21
Hometown: Wexford, PA
Shippensburg University '22
York College '21
Hometown: Dallastown, PA
Juniata College '22
Hometown: Myerstown, PA
University of Pittsburgh '22
Hometown: Clarks Summit, PA
Shippensburg University '21
Hometown: Erie, PA
Drexel University '21
Hometown: Cheltenham, PA